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YLCC 2022 COVID 19 Policy

All campers arriving for overnight camp will be tested for COVID at registration.


This year at YLCC we are running a full summer camp program with reduced numbers. We realize that Covid is still lingering and may still be prevalent this summer.


We do not have any masking policy at YLCC this summer. If your camper would feel more comfortable using a mask they are welcome to wear their mask.


Campers are not required to be vaccinated.  We strongly encourage all campers to be vaccinated and boosted if eligible. However, YLCC does not require proof of vaccination.


All of our staff have been vaccinated and were tested when they arrived at camp.
We ask that you test your camper 72 hours and 24 hours prior to arrival at camp.
If your camper tests positive please
DO NOT send them to camp. We strongly encourage all campers to be vaccinated If a camper is positive and we can not move their registration to a later time in the summer we will issue a full refund (less an administration/cancellation fee of 30%).


If your camper is displaying any COVID symptoms please test them immediately. PLEASE do not send your camper if they are displaying COVID symptoms. When they arrive we will also be testing if any symptoms are displayed. No camper or staff will be permitted to stay at camp if they test positive for COVID.


Please have a discussion with your camper regarding hand cleaning and proper hygiene prior to camp. We enforce a strict hand-washing protocol while at camp.


We will work hard to ensure that your camper is safe and secure this summer.

Your help is paramount to the success of our camp season.


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